Employees in Florida are entitled to compensation benefits after workplace accidents. Unfortunately, not all employees receive workers’ compensation after sustaining injuries at the workplace. Employers and insurance carriers often deny, devalue, or delay compensation benefits. This, in turn, leads to workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs.
If your employer has disputed your claim, you may still be able to receive compensation for your injuries. Your employer and their insurance carrier do not have the final say.
A knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney can advise you if you still have a case. Our Coral Springs workers’ compensation lawyers at Work Injury Rights can help you to appeal the decision once we’ve gathered relevant evidence regarding your case.
Contact us today to get started before it’s too late to recover any workers’ compensation benefits.
What are the Causes of Workers’ Compensation Disputes in Coral Springs?
There are many reasons why workers’ compensation claims are denied in Florida. Such decisions often lead to workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs.
Some of the causes of these disputes are:
- The employee missed the set deadline
- The employee did not seek medical treatment
- The injury happened outside of the scope of employment
- The application was incomplete
- Inconsistency in medical records and accident reports
- The employee sought treatment from an unauthorized physician
- The employee declined to give a recorded statement
- The employee was intoxicated
- The injury was caused by horseplay
- There were no witnesses
- The applicant’s employment status isn’t that of an employee
An experienced lawyer can help you resolve your workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs. At Work Injury Rights, our attorneys are ready to brainstorm and develop the best legal strategy to resolve your case.
What to Do if Your Workers’ Compensation Claim is Denied in Florida?
You have the right to appeal a denial in Florida. If your claim has been denied, you should reach out to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Coral Springs for legal counsel. At Work Injury Rights, our legal team will gather evidence and look into the facts of your case to unearth whether your employer and their insurance company unjustly denied your workers’ compensation benefits.
If we find out you have a case, we will appeal the decision at the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims (OJCC). Copies of the appeal will be served to your employer and their insurance carrier, who must respond within 14 days. Remember, you have two years from the date of your workplace accident to file a workers’ comp claim in Florida.
What are the Types of Workers’ Compensation Disputes?
Workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs happen due to many reasons. Some of the common types of disputes that our workers’ compensation attorneys handle include:
Medical Disputes
Your employer’s workers’ compensation coverage should pay for all your medical bills after a workplace accident in Florida. This includes surgeries, diagnostic tests, medications, ambulance bills, and emergency room costs.
However, this isn’t always the case. Your employer and their insurance carrier may refuse to pay these bills. They may use reasons such as your pre-existing condition or claim your injuries were self-inflicted to dispute your case.
Claim Disputes
Claim disputes arise due to issues unrelated to your health and medical bills. Your employer may claim that your injury isn’t work-related or that it isn’t compensable and deny your claim. These disputes may also arise if you miss a deadline or if the insurance company has devalued or delayed your compensation benefits.
Workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs can be complicated and overwhelming. The legal team at Work Injury Rights can help you resolve these disputes and secure the benefits you deserve. Sometimes, a simple 15-minute phone call plus several follow-up emails may be all you need to resolve your Coral Springs workers’ compensation dispute.
What is Involved in the Workers’ Compensation Dispute and Appeals Process in Florida?
Once you receive your denial, the first step you should take is to speak to your employer and their insurance carrier. Instances such as clerical errors can be resolved without court intervention.
The next step when raising a dispute is to contact the Employer Assistance and Ombudsman Office. They will consult with the insurance provider to find out if there’s an amicable way to resolve your workers’ comp case.
If this process doesn’t work out, our Coral Springs workers’ comp lawyers will help you file a Petition for Benefits within two years from the date of your workplace accident. Your lawyer should submit this form to the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims (OJCC). The OJCC will notify your employer and their insurance carrier, who must respond to your petition within two weeks or pay your compensation benefits.
The next stage is mediation. This meeting will be held in the presence of a neutral third party who could be a former judge or another workers’ comp lawyer. Work Injury Rights is prepared to represent your interests during this informal meeting.
If mediation doesn’t work out, the appeals process will head to a pre-trial hearing. This hearing should be held within the county where you sustained your work injury. Here, a judge will hear arguments from both sides and make a judgment regarding your case.
A final hearing of your case will be held within 90 days. Once the judge has heard arguments from both sides, they’ll issue a written verdict on the matter within 30 days.
If you disagree with the decision of the judge, you can file your final appeal to the First District Court of Appeals. This must be done within 30 days after receiving the judge’s decision. The court may overturn the OJCC’s decision, agree with the decision, or send the case back to the OJCC for further deliberations.
This final stage of resolving workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs may take a year or more for an amicable resolution to be arrived at. The legal team at Work Injury Rights is ready to help you deal with this complicated process while you rest and recuperate.
Call Us Now For Legal Advice Regarding Your Workers’ Compensation Disputes in Coral Springs
Employees have rights that employers and insurance companies need to respect. If you are injured while on the job, you may be entitled to compensation benefits. These benefits help cover your medical expenses and a portion of your lost income.
Unfortunately, your employer and their insurance carrier may dispute your claim. If you are facing such a dilemma, reach out to a reliable workers’ compensation lawyer immediately.
At Work Injury Rights, our legal team is ready to fight for and protect your rights. Remember, you pay nothing unless we win! Book your free case review now to get started fighting any workers’ compensation disputes in Coral Springs.