Broken Bones/Fractures

One of the most common reasons for emergency room visits each year results from broken bones, also known as fractures. Often, these broken bones require some time dedicated to recovery, as these types of injuries can range from mild to severe. Some fractures can make it tough to complete your day-to-day activities and work duties. Things like physical therapy and lack of mobility can mean lost time and wages from work.

If you have suffered a broken bone injury or fracture from a work-related accident, you may be entitled to a workers’ compensation settlement. At Work Injury Rights, our team of workers’ comp lawyers is ready to help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact us today to find out how you can file your claim and qualify for benefits.

Common Causes of Fractured and Broken Bones

Broken bones or joints are some of the most common injuries that occur in the workplace. Naturally, some industries are more prone to risk and pose more of a hazard than others. One of the most dangerous is the construction industry—which carries a plethora of occupational hazards.

Various dangerous conditions on the job site can cause fractures, including:

Broken bone of the clavicle xray

Types of Fractured and Broken Bones

As with any injury, there are different types of bone fractures. Each with different recovery periods and treatment options based upon the nature of the injury. A bone that is broken but has not pierced the skin can require four to six weeks for recovery and time away from your job. This is known as a simple or closed fracture.

When the skin is broken through by the bone, the break is referred to as a compound or open fracture. Fractures vary widely in size, location, and severity. All of these factors are considered when determining the value of a workers’ compensation claim.

Some of the other most common types of fractures are:

  • Stress – small cracks in the bone, often from heavy stress
  • Stable – this mild fracture doesn’t cause any nerve damage
  • Linear – mild type of fracture that runs along the length of the bone
  • Impacted – when multiple bone fragments are pushed into each other
  • Fissure – when a bone is split but does not break
  • Greenstick – one part of the bone is bent and another part is broken
  • Depressed – when the cranium is crushed toward the brain
  • Compound – when a broken bone (or bones) cause another injury such as a pierced lung
  • Comminuted – a bone broken in several places.

Contact Our Work Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation

Have you suffered a broken bone or fracture from a work-related incident? If so, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Need an experienced lawyer to outline your rights and help you file your claim? At Work Injury Rights, we fight for your rights and provide you with the best legal representation in the business.

With over 45 years of combined experience, we have the expertise to offer the highest quality legal services. All our work is done on a contingency-fee basis, so you don’t have to pay unless you are awarded a settlement. Contact our expert legal team today for a free consultation.

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Work Injury Rights
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