Reporting a Work Injury in Orlando

It can be difficult to know what to do after reporting a work injury in Orlando, but the workers’ compensation lawyers at Work Injury Rights are here to help. In addition to you and your loved ones now facing hospital bills and other medical costs, it can be an overwhelming emotional and financial burden to bear if your injuries are severe that you cannot work.

Suppose you were injured in a job-related accident. In that case, you should let your employer know immediately as soon as your injury occurred or after a doctor’s diagnosis that you suffered a workplace injury/illness. Doing so triggers the workers’ compensation claim process.

Unfortunately, some employees try to avoid paying workers’ comp benefits. Failing to report your on-the-job injury or illness can completely hinder the success of your workers’ compensation claim. Remember, Florida’s workers’ compensation system is designed to address only workplace injuries/illnesses reported – nothing more. If you don’t report your workplace injury, you may not get proper medical care or obtain the benefits you are entitled to by law.

Let our experienced and dedicated attorney help you when reporting a work injury in Orlando while protecting your right to recover benefits and return to work. Contact our Orlando workers’ comp attorneys at 954-829-7077 to get a free consultation.

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How Long Do I Have in Reporting a Work Injury in Orlando, Florida?

You should notify your employer about your work-related injury as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from the date the workplace accident occurred or within 30 days of the date a health care provider’s diagnosis that you are suffering from a job-related injury or illness.

The longer you wait, the more details of what caused your injury will start to become foggy and inconsistent, and the more your employer will doubt if you are really hurt, and your injury could become worse. If you fail to report your workplace injury within this time frame, it can result in your legitimate workers’ comp claim being denied.

To Whom Do I Have to Report a Work-Related Injury?

Injured workers should always report their job-related injuries or occupational diseases to their employers or employers’ representative such as a manager or supervisor. There is no rule that you should report your injury in writing. However, we would highly recommend that you report your work-related injury in writing if possible.

The skilled and experienced Orlando workers’ compensation lawyers at Work Injury Rights have a ton of experience with Florida workers’ comp cases and can help you navigate and overcome the hurdles you may encounter during your claims process. Our lawyers will guide you through the entire process, including reporting a work injury in Orlando to your employer.

Injured employee on floor reporting a work injury in Orlando to supervisor

What Are the Employer & Employee Responsibilities in Relation to Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Florida?

Both you and your employer have obligations in the workers’ compensation claims process. Below we take a look at these obligations:

Employer Obligations After a Workplace Injury

Under Florida’s workers’ compensation laws, employers have certain responsibilities after a worker started reporting a work injury in Orlando. These responsibilities include:

  • The law requires that all employers in Florida who have secured workers’ comp insurance coverage post a notice in a conspicuous spot that contains their workers’ comp insurance carrier’s information, the expiry date of the policy, and an anti-fraud statement.
  • Employers must provide injured workers with medical care by allowing them to visit a health care provider
  • As soon as an employer in Florida is aware of an employee’s workplace injury, they must file a “First Report of Injury” as soon as possible or no later than seven days from the date of the accident.
  • Employers must consult with the injured workers’ treating physician about a plan to assist the injured employee in returning to work.
  • Employers are required to prepare a return-to-work program for injured workers.
  • Employers are required to provide injured employees with suitable roles based on their work capacity until they can return to their pre-injury role or duties.
  • Employers are required to cooperate with investigative parties, including the insurance company and the employee’s lawyer.

Employee Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury

When hurt on the job, you must:

  • Report the injury or illness to your employer as soon as you become aware of it or within 30 days of the injury.
  • Make a workers’ compensation claim within two years of the workplace injury.
  • Except for emergency care and treatment, injured workers must specifically request initial care or treatment from their employer.
  • Review, sign, and return the fraud statement provided to you by your employer’s insurance carrier.
  • Obtain a copy of your first notice of injury or accident report from your employer.
  • Discuss with your treating physician if your condition is job-related.
  • Actively participate in treatment by following your doctor’s instructions and planning your return to work.
  • Make every reasonable effort to return to work in a suitable role.

Lawyer and client reporting a work injury in Orlando

Call Our Lawyers Today When Reporting a Work Injury in Orlando and Receive a Free Consultation

No matter how your workplace injury occurred, Florida law protects you and allows you to recover benefits to help offset the aftermath of the accident. However, you must follow strict guidelines to get these benefits, including reporting a work injury in Orlando promptly and to the right person.

At Work Injury Rights, defending the rights of injured employees and their loved ones is what we do every day. Our Orlando workers’ compensation attorneys are dedicated to providing a holistic and personalized representation for you if you fall ill due to hazardous working conditions or suffer a job-related injury. No matter where you are in Florida, we can help with your case. Call our workers’ compensation legal team today at 954-829-7077 to schedule a free case review.

Years of experience handling workers’ compensation cases in Florida have made Work Injury Right attorneys respected advocates for injured employees. We prioritize helping you and your loved ones obtain the benefits that are fair for you instead of convenient for your employer and their insurance carrier. We place priority on getting you the best medical care so you get back on your feet and back on track.

If you have questions about reporting a work injury in Orlando or if your employer did not report your injury, we can help. We are available, so call us today at 954-829-7077. We offer free initial case evaluations.

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Work Injury Rights
Injured on the Job? Don't Wait, Contact Us Now

We are Florida's leading workers' compensation lawyers.

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