Reporting a Work Injury in Sunrise

Despite efforts across all industries to make workplaces safer, job-related accidents continue each day in Florida and across the country. If you get hurt on the job in Florida, you may be eligible for benefits through the states’ workers’ compensation program. Those benefits may include medical care and wage replacement.

The purpose of Florida workers’ compensation laws is to protect injured workers regardless of fault by coordinating and managing claims relating to job-related injuries. To ensure that you get the benefits to which you are entitled, you must comply with some aspects of the claims process. Some of those aspects include reporting a work injury in Sunrise, obtaining medical care and treatment, and attempting to return to work.

At Work Injury Rights, our experienced Sunrise workers’ comp lawyers provide guidance, especially in areas, such as reporting your workplace injury and getting you the benefits you deserve. It is our ultimate goal to advocate for injured workers and their loved ones all over Florida. We can use our experience, knowledge, and dedication to help you report your workplace injury and achieve a favorable outcome. Call us at 954-388-8616 to get an expert workers’ compensation lawyer on your side.

How Long Do I Have in Reporting a Work Injury in Sunrise, Florida?

An employee who is injured on the job needs to report the injury to their manager, supervisor, or employer right away. Even minor work-related injuries need to be reported immediately. All job-related injuries must be reported right away or no later than 30 days from the accident date or from when you learn the cause of the injury or illness could be work-related.

If you get hurt at work and require non-urgent medical care, immediately report the accident and your injury to the designated employer representative. If you sustain a workplace injury that required emergency medical treatment, prioritize your health and go directly to the nearest medical facility, or if needed, contact emergency medical services. You can then ask your friend, colleague, or family member to report your injury to your supervisor or employer within 30 days of the accident date.

Who Do I Have to Report a Workplace Injury to?

Injured employees should report their job-related injuries to their supervisor, designated employer representative, or their employer.

It’s important to note that you have 30 days from the date of your accident or 30 days from your physician’s diagnosis that you are suffering from a job-related illness or injury to notify your employer that you sustained a work-related injury or disease.

After reporting a workplace injury, your employer has seven days to notify their workers’ comp insurance provider. This will create a record of the accident and initiate medical treatment. It is best to report your job-related injury in writing, even after you give it verbally. Also, we recommend you note the name of the supervisor or manager that was given your report of the injury and the date and time you reported your injury for your personal record.

What Are the Employer Responsibilities After a Job-Related Injury?

Below are the responsibilities of an employer in Sunrise, FL, under the workers’ compensation system:

  • All employers who have secured workers’ comp in Florida must post a notice that contains their insurance company’s information in a conspicuous place(s), including an anti-fraud statement and the expiration date of the policy.
  • As soon as an employer or supervisor is aware of a job-related injury or illness, they must immediately contact their workers’ comp insurance provider. Failure to report the accident within 7 days could subject the employer to a fine not to exceed $2000 per occurrence.
  • Employers must fill out the First Report of Illness or Injury form (DWC-1) and sent it to their workers’ compensation insurance carrier.
  • Employers in Florida have 24 hours to report a death resulting from a workplace injury or illness to the Division of Workers’ Compensation.
  • Employers must fill out and provide the wage replacement form to their insurance company for any worker who is entitled to indemnity benefits within 14 days after knowledge of the injury/accident.

Clipboard with form for reporting a work injury in Sunrise, Florida

What Are the Employee Responsibilities After A Job-Related Injury?

If you are injured as a result of a workplace injury, you have certain rights and responsibilities. Injured employee responsibilities include:

  • Contact your supervisor, manager, or employer right away to report your on-the-job illness or injury.
  • You must provide your employer with a copy of the Medical Treatment or Status Reporting form after each visit to a medical provider.
  • You must attempt to return to work when your treating physician releases you and when your boss offers a position within your physical limitations to avoid suspension of your indemnity benefits.
  • Communicate with the insurance carrier and complete and return forms to the insurance provider when asked, including the mandatory fraud statement.
  • Notify the insurance provider of any change of telephone number or address.
  • Report your income from all sources of employment to the insurance company if you have more than one employer within 13 weeks of the accident date.
  • Keep your appointments with your treating physician.
  • Get a copy form of the Medical Treatment or Status Reporting form (DWC25) from your doctor.

Why Hire a Sunrise Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

When on the job in any work environment in Florida, you can only hope your bosses have followed federal and state safety regulations, trained you properly, and provided you with a hazard-free work environment. A job-related injury can cost you more than medical costs – it can keep you out of work for a long time or even leave you with a permanent disability, ruining your career for good.

It is important to work with an experienced Sunrise workers’ compensation lawyer to represent your interests in matters involving workplace accidents. At Work Injury Rights, we understand that times like these can be challenging and confusing for the entire family, which is why our compassionate and experienced Sunrise workers’ compensation lawyers are here for you through every step of the process. Get in touch with our legal team when reporting a job-related injury in Sunrise!

Call Us Today When Reporting a Work Injury in Sunrise

Timely reporting of job-related injuries or illnesses is an integral part of your workers’ compensation claim. Delays in reporting your on-the-job injury can be detrimental to you when obtaining the necessary medical and indemnity benefits you may be entitled to. If you have any questions about reporting your job-related injury or how to get medical care started, please call our experienced Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Sunrise at 954-388-8616, and we can assist you.

We offer injured workers and their loved ones no-cost case evaluations to discuss their claims. Call Work Injury Rights to schedule a free consultation.

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Work Injury Rights
Injured on the Job? Don't Wait, Contact Us Now

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