Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive stress injuries (RSI) are also known as repetitive motion injuries or repetitive strain injuries. According to OSHA, RSIs are one of the fastest growing injuries in the country. They affect nearly 1.8 million workers each year. This may be because these injuries can happen just about anywhere. Any workplace that demands long stints of sitting or standing or repeated manual activities puts you at risk for RSI. Employees that develop repetitive stress injuries at work may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim or a lawsuit depending on the situation. The injury must be causally related to a work-related task.

At Work Injury Rights, our trusted workers’ compensation lawyers are ready to help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact us today to find out how you can file your RSI claim and qualify for benefits.

What Are Some Causes of Job-related Repetitive Stress Injuries?

One of the most common repetitive stress injuries is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). There are many ways to prevent RSIs, reduce these injuries, and treat them. Despite this, the number of injured workers continues to grow. There are over one hundred different classifications of RSI, and all of these can affect different parts of the body.

There are two main classes of Repetitive Stress Injuries. The first, Type 1, is described as a musculoskeletal disorder. Type 2 is best known as a diffuse RSI, which is now thought to be associated with nerve damage. Type 2 repetitive stress injuries are strongly related to certain vocations.

Below are some common repetitive stress injuries:

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Bursitis
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  • Dupuytren’s Contracture
  • Writer’s Cramp (Dystonia)
  • Epicondylitis
  • Gamer’s Thumb
  • Ganglion
  • Tendinitis
  • Tenosynovitis
  • Raynaud’s Disease
  • De Quervain’s Syndrome

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Repetitive Stress Injuries?

When we think of work-related injuries, Repetitive Stress Injury isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind, but it is a workplace injury regardless. If left to develop and persist without treatment, RSI can have lasting effects like chronic pain, limited mobility, muscle loss, and the inability to perform your work duties. Florida law requires employers to purchase workers’ compensation insurance to cover work-related injuries, including repetitive stress injuries.

If you think that you may be suffering from repetitive stress injuries, it’s important to act immediately. First, report the injury and your symptoms to your employer, creating a paper trail. It’s also vital to have documentation of the injury, so you need to see a doctor for medical treatment as well. The longer you wait, the worse your injury can become, and it may be harder to file a claim.

Our experienced Work Injury Lawyers can help ensure you get fair treatment and receive the compensation that you deserve for your injury. Because repetitive stress injuries develop over time, they can be tough to document and prove. However, with over 45 years of legal experience, our Florida Work Injury lawyers will fight for you and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Construction worker hurting from repetitive stress injuries

Repetitive Stress Injury FAQs

Over the last few months, I have had recurring pain in my arms. It was just diagnosed as bursitis. and I know it is from my job – how do I let my employer know?

Bursitis is the result of repetitive motions. In order to get compensation, you need to report your injury and diagnosis to your supervisor as soon as possible.

If you have been feeling pain for a few months, you still need to report your official diagnosis. While you are allowed to wait up to 30 days, we suggest doing so immediately. By reporting your injury ASAP and seeking medical care, you are giving yourself the best chance to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

You should also fill out a workers’ compensation claim form as soon as you can. Your employer will then turn in your claim, following a set of procedures. If they do not there could be legal ramifications.

When you do seek medical treatment, tell your doctor that it may be caused by your workplace actions. If you feel like you are not receiving the medical attention you deserve or the compensation you need, contact a repetitive stress injury lawyer today.

My job gave me carpal tunnel, but I was denied workers’ compensation benefits – what do I do now?

If you were denied, you should appeal the decision. It is sometimes challenging to get workers’ compensation to pay for what you deserve, but with a good work injury lawyer on your side, it is possible.

You will need to prove that your job caused your carpal tunnel and that you need treatment for the syndrome. Before you appeal the decision, be sure to talk to an experienced lawyer who knows all aspects of the law. You are not required to have a lawyer, but that almost always helps your case.

Even if you are not sure if you have a case, it is a good idea to hire a lawyer who will help you go through the denial process. Contact Work Injury Rights lawyers, and we will help you.

I do a lot of reaching at my job and have developed bicep tendonitis. How can I get workers’ comp benefits for this injury?

If your job requires you to do constant reach overs, overhead lifting, or other repetitive motions, you can feel the impact on your arms and shoulders. If you get bicep tendonitis, or a torn bicep, you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. If you do have bicep tendonitis, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation.

In order to get the benefits that you deserve, you should seek medical treatment immediately, inform your employer as soon as possible, and seek the help of an experienced lawyer. Then, follow the doctor’s orders to make a speedy recovery and get back to work. While you heal, your medical expenses and lost income should be covered by workers’ compensation. If you have trouble getting coverage or you need to appeal a claim, then contact our lawyers today.

How do I prove I got a repetitive strain injury from work?

The best way to prove a repetitive strain injury is to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you believe something is wrong. Then, you will be able to record your injury and talk to your doctor about what may have caused the injury. Before you even go to the doctor, you may want to notify your employer that you are experiencing pain while performing your duties and at home.

You will have to file a claim for your injury and your employer will need to follow special procedures reporting the information you provide. Some claims are denied, and you may need to appeal. All of this is made significantly easier by working with a repetitive stress injury lawyer. Call us today to get started.

Contact Our Work Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation Regarding Your Repetitive Stress Injuries

Are you suffering with repetitive stress injuries from a work-related incident? If so, you may be entitled to compensation benefits from workers’ compensation insurance. At Work Injury Rights, we know how to navigate the complexities of Florida law when it comes to Repetitive Stress Injuries and the trauma it can create. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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