Reporting a Work Injury in Fort Lauderdale

If you’ve suffered a Fort Lauderdale workplace injury or illness, you might be wondering how you will go about reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale and the steps you need to take to secure your right to recover damages. Victims of workplace accidents in Florida are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

These benefits are designed to help cover their medical treatment, lost wages, disability, and death. However, this doesn’t happen automatically. There are certain rules and procedures you are required to follow under Florida law failure to which can lead to you losing your right to compensation.

Our team of professional Fort Lauderdale workers compensation lawyers at Work Injury Rights is committed to offering you all the necessary legal guidance and assistance during this difficult time. We will help ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve.

We will help you avoid common pitfalls in the workers’ compensation claims process and ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible. Call us today at 954-388-8616 for an evaluation of your case and begin the process of reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale.

How Long Do I Have in Reporting a Work Injury in Fort Lauderdale Florida?

One of the first and most important things you need to do after suffering a workplace injury is to notify your employer. Florida’s workers’ compensation laws require that you do so no later than 30 days from the date of the accident. However, it is in your best interest that you report the injury as soon as possible. For occupational illnesses, you should report the condition within 30 days of your medical diagnosis.

If you fail to notify your employer of the injury or illness within the specified deadline, your employer will have grounds to rightfully deny your claim. Reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale is one of the most important steps in the workers’ compensation claims process.

To Whom Do I Have to Report a Workplace Injury?

In the event that you suffer a workplace injury or occupational illness, you need to report it to your employer within 30 days of the injury. In the absence of your employer, reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale to your immediate supervisor or the representative of your employer.

Florida Law doesn’t categorically require you to provide a written notice, however, it is highly advisable that you do so. This will help to prove that you actually filed the notice and when you did so.

An employee reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale to their employer

What Are the Employer’s Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury?

If an employee is injured while on the job, the employer is required to adhere to the Occupation Health and Safety Administration’s (OSHA) rules and Florida statutes to ensure that the recovery of the employee is properly handled. The obligations of an employer after a workplace injury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida entail:

According to the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation, the employer should conduct an investigation into the accident as soon as possible after the incident. The employer should gather all the relevant facts regarding the accident and share them with the insurance company upon request.

The employer is also required to notify their insurance carrier of your injury within 7 days of you reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale. They should report your injury regardless of how minor it may seem. They do this by filing a First Report of Injury with the insurance company and the Division of Workers’ Compensation.

In the injury form, your employer will also include any doubts or concerns that they may have regarding your injuries, for example, if they doubt if it is work-related.

If your employer fails to file the claim, you need to do so yourself.

What Are the Employee Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury?

If you are injured while on the job, there are a number of things that you need to complete to preserve your right to workers’ compensation benefits:

Report the Injury

After suffering a workplace accident, you need to inform your employer as soon as possible. Keep in mind that in Florida, you only have up to 30 days to file this report. As stated earlier, besides doing it verbally, it is also very wise to submit a written report as well as a follow-up email.

Remember to include important details such as the name of the supervisor/manager you gave the report to and the day you submitted the report.

If you fail in reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale within 30 days, you will lose your right to pursue compensation regardless of the merits of your claim.

File a Claim

While it is the employer’s responsibility to file a claim with their workers’ compensation insurance carrier, and within 7 days of learning about your injury, you will have to report the claim yourself if your employer fails to do so.

Generally, if your employer has submitted a notice of claim to their insurance carrier, you will receive an informational brochure from the insurance company within three days of receiving the notice of claim. This will help you know whether your claim has been filed.

You can find information on your employer’s insurance carrier on the “broken arm” poster within the workplace.

Follow Through with Medical Treatment

This step is very important. After your claim has been approved, your employer will provide you with a list of approved medical care providers that you can choose from to seek medical attention. You need to ensure that you follow the entirety of the physician’s instructions and guidelines in regards to the treatment of your injuries. This will help to avoid issues with your workers’ compensation benefits.

Injured On The Job- Ft Lauderdale

If you’ve been the victim of a workplace accident, you will need to ensure that you complete the above steps to ensure that you retain your rights to workers’ compensation benefits.

Lawyer helping client in reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale

Call Our Experienced Lawyers Today When Reporting a Work Injury in Fort Lauderdale

While some workers’ compensation claimants choose to handle the legal process on their own, it is in your best interest to ensure that you retain the services of a Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible. There are numerous pitfalls and hurdles from the onset that can potentially hurt your chances of receiving the compensation that you deserve.

Our workers’ compensation attorneys at Work Injury Rights will help you navigate the complex Florida Workers’ Compensation system. Call us today at 954-388-8616 to ensure that your correctly reporting a work injury in Fort Lauderdale.

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Work Injury Rights
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