Workers’ Comp 101: Workplace Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of workplace injuries, accounting for one in every four work-related injuries. Though they are often labeled minor injuries, slip and fall accidents often lead to missed time from work.

When these types of injuries are more serious, workers may even miss weeks or months of work. In most instances, these workers are eligible for workers’ compensation, which covers workplace accidents and provides benefits to those injured (assuming the employee was not injured while under the influence or intentionally cause the injury).

Workplace Slip and Fall Accident Statistics and Causes

From the U.S. Department of Labor to OSHA (U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration) to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, government agencies agree that slip and fall accidents are common work-related accidents resulting in up to 25 percent of those injuries causing missed work for injured employees.

Slip and fall accidents can result in bruises, contusions, lacerations, abrasions, sprains, strains, and even fractures. While these injuries can happen in any occupation, they are most common among truck drivers, landscapers and tree trimmers, roofers, and carpenters. Slip and fall accidents in the workplace are commonly caused by:

  • Inadequate lighting
  • Spills on smooth flooring (water, dust, grease, powders, blood, wastes, oil, or other liquids)
  • Freshly waxed or highly polished floors
  • Deficient or missing warning signs
  • Transitions between different types of flooring
  • Damaged (loose floorboards or tiles) or sloped flooring
  • Cords, hoses, cables, or wiring improperly placed across walkways or hallways
  • Loose, irregular walking surfaces (gravel, sand, etc.)
  • Uneven, non-uniform, or damaged stairs or steps
  • Loose, unanchored area rugs or welcome mats
  • Ramps without slip resistant protection
  • Clutter/Obstacles in workspaces or walkways.

The Effects of Workplace Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries in the workplace can result in short or long-term effects, including financial as well as other losses. For many, slip and fall accidents can result in lost wages, acute pain, out-of-pocket expenses, chronic pain, disability, depression, and reduced quality of life.

If you have been injured due to a slip, trip, or fall accident, it is important to know your rights. Most slip and fall accidents are considered preventable, which means you may have multiple sources of compensation available to you. To get the compensation you deserve, you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer.

Workers’ Compensation for Slip and Fall Injuries in the Workplace

Workers’ compensation was established as a no-fault system, meaning, if eligible, employees may be awarded benefits regardless of whether the accident was preventable.

In most states around the country, workers’ compensation benefits include medical expenses related to the injury as well as a portion of lost wages during your recovery and treatment. Even so, it is important to know that filing a claim for your slip and fall injury must be done quickly and follow your state’s guidelines to protect your eligibility.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Get the medical attention you need immediately following your injury. Some injuries have obvious consequences, while others, such as head injuries or soft tissue injuries may not be apparent for a few hours or even days.

Next, you should notify your employer of the accident, promptly. You’ll want to explain the details of the fall, including body parts that were impacted as well as any specifics which could relate to potential injuries. Your potential workers’ compensation benefits may depend on your proper and prompt reporting of the accident.

Once you have notified your employer, the next step is filing your workers’ compensation claim. Contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to help you with the forms and the entire legal process. Workers’ compensation insurance companies often use every opportunity to deny your claim, so being certain you have followed the state guidelines for reporting your injury and filing your claim is key to the compensation you deserve.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If your slip and fall accident resulted in a trip to the emergency department at the hospital or local urgent care, workers’ compensation should cover the costs. Also covered by workers’ compensation are the costs for any medical care and treatment afterward by doctors who are pre-approved by the workers’ compensation insurance company.

You can request a second opinion, if needed, from another company-approved physician. In some instances, you can see your personal doctor, but you will want to verify coverage by workers’ compensation before you do.

A workers’ compensation lawyer will walk you through the legal process and help you get the right compensation you deserve – unlike an insurance company.

If Your Workers’ Compensation Claim is Unfairly Denied

Even in minor slip and fall claims, you should call on an experienced workers’ compensation attorney for help. Don’t attempt to tackle the issues on your own, instead reach out to the expert legal team at WorkInjuryRights.Com.

With offices all over South Florida, they are ready to help you with a free consultation, and personalized representation to help you get the compensation you deserve to protect yourself and your family, now and for the future. Contact us today at 954-388-8616.

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