Workplace Hazards Unveiled: Industries with High Workers Comp Rates

In Florida, certain industries have higher workers comp rates due to the inherent workplace hazards and risks. Industries such as construction, agriculture, healthcare and manufacturing have specific requirements regarding workers compensation.

This blog highlights some of the industries with the highest rates and explains how hiring a Fort Myers workers compensation attorney is your best option to get the compensation you deserve.

Legal Aspects of Workers Compensation in Florida

In Florida, the law requires most employers to provide workers compensation insurance for their employees. The law covers both mental and physical injuries, as well as occupational diseases.

Under Florida law, workers compensation benefits are the exclusive remedy for an employee injured or killed on the job. This means that an employee cannot sue the employer for injuries sustained on the job.

However, if an employer fails to carry workers compensation insurance, they may be subject to lawsuits by employees and criminal charges by the state.

Industries with High Workers Comp Rates

Certain industries in Florida have higher workers comp rates due to associated workplace hazards and risks. These industries also have specific requirements regarding workers comp. These industries include:

Construction Industry

In Florida, employers in the construction industry with one or more employees, including the owner of the business who are corporate officers or Limited Liability Company (LLC) members, must have workers compensation coverage. This is due to the high risk of injuries from heavy machinery, falls from heights, and exposure to hazardous materials.

Workers compensation benefits in this industry cover reasonable medical expenses related to treatment, lost wage benefits to compensate for a portion of the loss of income, and disability benefits if the accident resulted in a partial or total disability.

some workplaces are more dangerous than others

Agriculture Industry

The agriculture industry also has high workers compensation rates due to the physical nature of the work and exposure to elements and machinery. In Florida, agricultural employers only have to carry coverage if they have six or more full-time employees, or 12 seasonal workers who work more than 30 days in a season, but no more than 45 days in a calendar year.

Despite these requirements, agricultural workers often face challenges in receiving their benefits due to factors such as immigration status and lack of knowledge about the process.

Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is another sector with high workers compensation rates. This is due to the physical demands of the job, exposure to diseases, and the risk of injuries from handling patients and equipment.

In Florida, the workers compensation requirements for the healthcare industry are the same as for non-construction industries, which require coverage for businesses with at least four employees.

Transportation and Warehousing Industry

The transportation and warehousing industry also has high workers comp rates due to the risks associated with operating vehicles, handling heavy cargo, and potential for accidents in warehouses. In Florida, the workers compensation requirements for this industry are the same as for non-construction industries.

Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry has high workers compensation rates due to the risks associated with operating heavy machinery, exposure to hazardous materials, and potential for accidents in the manufacturing process.

Workers compensation requirements for this industry are the same as for non-construction industries. Workers’ compensation benefits in this industry cover reasonable medical expenses related to treatment, lost wage benefits to compensate for a portion of the loss of income, and disability benefits if the accident resulted in a partial or total disability.

Contact a Fort Myers Workers Comp Lawyer to Discuss Workplace Hazards and Risks

Understanding the industries with high workers comp rates can employees understand potential workplace hazards and what their rights and options are under workers compensation laws.

For legal assistance and representation contact Work Injury Rights at 954-324-COMP for a free case review.

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